Becoming a commissioner

Thank you for your interest in becoming a commissioner. Here's what happens next.

It’s great to see you’re interested in the commissioner role.

The role of a commissioner is interesting and varied, and we’d encourage you to read more about what the role involves on our role description web pages.

What do I need, to become a commissioner?

Commissioners are over 18 years old and should have made, or be prepared to make, our Girlguiding Promise. You’ll need to be able to work with adults, lead a team and have a real passion for guiding.

To be eligible for the role of commissioner, you’ll need to have completed safer guiding and Level 4 of a safe space.

What happens when I become a commissioner?

Before being confirmed in your role as commissioner, you should have an induction period (normally six-months) as a commissioner designate. During this time, you will be supported by a mentor who will be experienced in guiding and knowledgeable about your role.

If you're new to the role, our commissioner welcome books are a great place to begin! They provide a good introduction to the role and suggest some initial tasks to help you get started.

Our commissioner handbook is also available to help you, and cover everything you'll need to know about your responsibilities.

After your designate period

On completion of your designate period, you'll meet with your appointing commissioner to discuss your progress and whether you're both happy for you to continue in your commissioner role. If this is agreed, your GO record will be updated and you'll be presented with a commissioner brooch - silver for district or division Commissioners or gold for county Commissioners.

Returning commissioners

If you have been a commissioner before, you may not need to be a designate for the full six months. However you should have a discussion with your appointing commissioner or a mentor to ensure you are up to date with any changes that have occurred in Girlguiding since you were last a commissioner.